Kitting Solutions


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Global Defense Solutions has established a trusted reputation supplying kitting solutions to Government and OEM customers. We provide solutions creating custom designed kitting for requirements that call for as few as 10 items to multi-pallet and crated items consisting of over 5000 parts.

Our kitting capabilities have provided over 1500 kits for the C-130 Loadmaster Crashworthy Seat to the C-5M Lavatory Replacement Program for the United States Air Force and FMS customers.

Our streamlined kitting solution uses automated software to develop a Bill of Material from drawings and customer-provided data, then we deliver affordable kitting solutions for any size or scope of project. 

Benefits of our Value-Added Services:

  • Bill of Material Development

  • Flow-down of Government and OEM specifications including quality and FAR clauses

  • Physical Configuration Audit to include First Article Inspection and Testing

  • Turn Key kitting solutions from procurement to kitting of machined parts, assemblies and installation hardware

  • MIL-SPEC packaging and crating including Item Unique Identification (IUID) and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) labeling

  • Government and customer inspection

  • Direct ship to Government or customer facility


Global Defense Solutions Operates a 10,000 square ft facility in Warner Robins GA

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